All posts by tgifrida

P90X, TurboFire and Brazil Butt Lift Challenge Packs FREE for 30 days!

Holy cow! I can’t believe I can finally offer these programs to you at a trial basis! I hope this at least encourages you to find the willpower to get up and workout if you haven’t been doing so. =)

So here’s how it goes…

It’s a challenge pack that comes with the workout program, Shakeology and a club membership to the Team BeachBody site. Normally the challenge packs for P90X and TurboFire would cost $205 up front and Brazil Butt Lift for $160, but now you can try it out by just paying $14.95 for the shipping & handling!

If within the 30 days you find that these programs are not for you, then you are welcome to return the challenge pack. This way, you can at least satisfy your curiosity about whether these programs work or not. BUT, I have really have yet to run into a customer that does actually return the program.

If you purchase a challenge packs through me, you’ll not only have me as your coach, but you’ll also qualify to be a part of one of my challenge groups! Motivation is soooo hard to find if you haven’t worked out in a while, so sticking to a routine may be hard. This is where my challenge groups come in. Everyone in the group is working towards a similar goal, working out everyday, working on their nutrition, learning from each other and motivating each other.

Please contact me at if you have any questions. Otherwise, you can get your challenge pack by going to, click on Shop, then on the left you should find a link that says “Trial Offers”.

Try P90X, Brazil Butt Lift, TurboFire for FREE

Insanity Workout – Day 2

After An Insanity WorkoutOkay, this is not at all a pretty picture of me, but here is proof that I worked out today to Insanity.

Although I’ve worked out to Insanity before, my body is acting like it has never gone through this workout before. Being pregnant really does take a toll on woman’s body. One thing that really changed was the strength in my core. There is close to absolutely none at this point. So one thing that I hope Insanity will do for me is to strengthen my core by a lot. My lower back has been hurting a lot lately and I’m going to guess one reason is because my core muscles aren’t able to provide any support.

The drills were a killer and at about 19 minutes left on the clock, I was ready to give up. But, rather than quitting, I kept pushing and I lasted until the very end. I thought to myself, “Why am I going to quit now when I’ve just started? I want to see results and I’m going to get my results!” I think many times when it comes to achieving our goals, a lot of it has to do with our mind. When we feel like quitting, we don’t put up much of an argument and so we allow ourselves to give up so easily. But when we do remind ourselves of our goals and our original intent, then it’s easy to continue on.

Getting Fit Tip: Keep digging deep! Exercise is supposed to be uncomfortable and getting good results requires us to stay committed. The challenge itself will be very rewarding in the end, so stick to it! Take short breaks if you need to, but do stop only if you feel you may be injuring yourself.

Stick to Your Workout and Diet Plans

Fitness Tip: Find a workout buddy or accountability groupSticking to your workout and diet plans can be difficult. There are many tools out there that can help you stay committed, but I have personally found that nothing works better than having an accountability partner. This could be someone that has the same fitness plans as you, is doing the same workout program, or has similar bad habits, etc. Just be sure to get an accountability partner! If he/she doesn’t have the same fitness goals as you, that’s fine too. As long as you can trust this person to will hold you to your goals and push you when you are feeling unmotivated, then it should work out fine. Share your goals with this person. Let them know what your weaknesses are and how they can help you stay on track! Check in with your accountability partner on a daily basis because making progress towards your fitness goals requires daily commitment.

If you need an accountability partner, I would be more than happy to help you! I help others stay on track on a personal basis and also hold fun and motivating accountability groups.

To get started, sign up for your FREE account to get me as your coach, then contact me by email at once you are ready!