Category Archives: Motivation

You’re going to suck at this workout, but it’s a start! Drop the excuses!

I sometimes hear people say that they can’t do a certain workout because they’re not strong, flexible or coordinated enough, etc. Those excuses are exactly that…JUST EXCUSES!

When working out, the goal is to get fit and improve your physical abilities over time. It’s definitely not expected that you’re going to be a pro at P90X® (for example) the first time that you put the DVDs in. That’s going to take some time.

So no matter what it is that you WANT to do… give yourself a chance…you’ve gotta stop putting yourself down and allow yourself to grow! It’s all in your mind. Just get in there and do it! And if you need that extra push, let me know… I’m here for you!

Can I Exercise If I Am On My Period?

Your Period is Not an Excuse to Skip a WorkoutOften times I hear women telling me that they haven’t worked out lately because of their menstruation. I actually started seeing this back in junior high and high school when other girls would come in to gym class requesting to sit on the side benches during the entire class because of their period. Some even came in with their parent’s note with that excuse. Really?! That wasn’t fair at all and I always thought that having a period was just pure nature and something that we as females just had to get adjusted to. Plus, I think what those parents just did was set a trend to where their daughters just believed it was an excuse that they can use throughout life. I know, there are probably traditional/cultural reasons for that. But why let it stand in the way of us doing things? It’s JUST a leak, we don’t become handicapped and WE as women are much stronger than that!

Sure, some women suffer from cramps, but from experience that’s when working out can be very beneficial (this excludes women with severe cramps/extreme medical conditions). Exercising during a menstrual cycle can help to alleviate the pain and pressure that we sometimes feel. It provides plenty of relief because it gets the blood flowing through the body and releases endorphins which are natural painkillers. 🙂 When I workout during my period, I have very little to no pain at all. In months where I’ve have not worked out at all, those are the times that I’ve had the most uncomfortable periods! Naturally, I came to the conclusion that inactivity makes menstrual symptoms worse. In addition to the painful cramps, the cravings for junk food was even worse too!

So, my biggest tip for today is to cut the excuses and get your workout done! It’ll help you feel less cranky, minimize your cravings, keep you more focused on eating healthy, minimize your cramps, and HELLO… you’ll have a MUCH better week!

So what’s your excuse? If you’re on your period, I challenge you to overcome the laziness and just exercise! Comment below if you have or have not been working out during your period. I’m interested to know your experiences on this.

Stick to Your Workout and Diet Plans

Fitness Tip: Find a workout buddy or accountability groupSticking to your workout and diet plans can be difficult. There are many tools out there that can help you stay committed, but I have personally found that nothing works better than having an accountability partner. This could be someone that has the same fitness plans as you, is doing the same workout program, or has similar bad habits, etc. Just be sure to get an accountability partner! If he/she doesn’t have the same fitness goals as you, that’s fine too. As long as you can trust this person to will hold you to your goals and push you when you are feeling unmotivated, then it should work out fine. Share your goals with this person. Let them know what your weaknesses are and how they can help you stay on track! Check in with your accountability partner on a daily basis because making progress towards your fitness goals requires daily commitment.

If you need an accountability partner, I would be more than happy to help you! I help others stay on track on a personal basis and also hold fun and motivating accountability groups.

To get started, sign up for your FREE account to get me as your coach, then contact me by email at once you are ready!